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AnyAI for Consumer Goods

Get your products into the hands of more consumers through AnyAI - from market suggestions to growth opportunities.

Understand customers and markets, and localize messaging strategies.

By conducting global social listening, we discovered how brand awareness varies by region. This breakthrough was difficult to achieve with traditional analytical methods.

Improve e-commerce operations through data

Compare data across multiple platforms such as Amazon, Rakuten, and Lazada concurrently to easily see where challenges lie.

  • -Extracting marketing issues:

    Assistant supports data comparisons by channel and advertising, accelerating issue identification.

  • -Proposing strategies:

    AI interprets past data and market trends to propose effective strategies and find solutions.

Efficient cross-border sales optimization

Using LLMs allows us to use locally resonant phrases and appeals, enabling a natural approach to international customers.

  • -Consistent expression:

    Deliver product appeal through consistent translations without mismatched tone or expression.

  • -Leveraging AnyMind's insights:

    AnyMind Utilize AnyMind Group's accumulated expertise in the Asian region to maximize results.

Qualitative info analysis at scale

By aggregating and analyzing qualitative data such as reviews and social media comments at scale, we can achieve a more detailed understanding of the market.

  • -Market insights:

    Compare and analyze how competitors differ and how customers perceive them, and integrate findings into strategies.

  • -Review analysis:

    Integrate and analyze reviews in multiple languages to uncover reasons for differing market preferences and leverage them in marketing.